I thought about starting blogging again, but really can't think of anything to write about right now. Hmm.
My life is pretty boring.
I guess on a positive note I can say how blessed I am. I have all of my bills caught up from when I was out of work and had 2 surgeries this past fall. I only owe on my car/house and normal household bills now. My credit report is looking better every day.
Finally I feel like a lot of weights have been lifted from me, I am doing so much better than when I was with my ex. My life has turned around completely since I got away from him and his abuse. I can't believe how long I endured living with that creep.
I own my own double wide now. I am 13 payments away from having my car paid off. I just bought a new dell all in 1 and a net book, I finally have DSL and cable TV @ home again. That has made me very happy.
My ex amuses me, he told me to my face this past Saturday "you can't manage money, you will never have anything". He told me years ago "you will never have anything or amount to anything if you leave me".
Uh..I have been a SUPERVISOR for 3+ years, I have got my priorities straight, I have got my finances in better shape than ever...it took me leaving him with NOTHING and building my life from the bottom back up. It took me losing custody of my children to him---and learning what it meant to FIGHT LIKE A WOMAN and stand my ground. It took lots of court dates and trial and error, but I made it. I am here.
He owns a house he can't even keep electricity on in. He hasn't lived in it in over a year. It is piled full of junk, go figure...and he has lived with his mom for the past 1+ years, she is in the process of buying a double wide to accommodate him and the kids when they go for their 'supervised' visits with him. He has 2 vehicles, which are both apparently so broken that he cannot afford to fix them, so he has to drive his dad's truck. He has no job, he won't get a real job...and he never pays his child support.
I don't like talking about him, the past, or all the hell he put me through, I try to keep it out of my thoughts, because there is so much hurt and anger still inside me and I still have a hard time sometimes keeping my distance from him.
Sadly--I loved him...and sometimes I see that glimpse of the man I loved and it is really hard to not fall for his bullshit. I have to work at it every day, I try to avoid him as much as possible, and I long for the day when my children are all grown and I never have to deal with him again. I don't want them to grow up too fast, I enjoy every second of them being little.
I am happy where I am now in my life. Wish I didn't have to work full time, would rather be a sahm, or work from home, that would make my life fantastic!
Now that I have DSL I am going to work at making working from home a reality. I may not ever reach that dream, but I plan to try.
Well, I said I didn't have much to write about, and here it is...so I am going to end this now.
I'm pretty sure nobody is reading it anyways...